Franklin County, PA
garden sponsors |
Growing begins!
Katie's krops children's garden
We are extremely honored to host a Katie's Krops garden! "The mission of Katie’s Krops is to empower youth to start and maintain vegetable gardens of all sizes and donate the harvest to help feed people in need, as well as to assist and inspire others to do the same."
That mission is right up our alley! The kids of Solomon's UCC applied for and were awarded a grant to start their garden. It's our pleasure to give them the space they need to grow! If there is a kid your life who would like to participate, we'd be glad for their help.
That mission is right up our alley! The kids of Solomon's UCC applied for and were awarded a grant to start their garden. It's our pleasure to give them the space they need to grow! If there is a kid your life who would like to participate, we'd be glad for their help.
growing season is near!
United way day of caring - Nov. 10, 2023
With the help of the United Way of Franklin County's Day of Caring, we connected local Citi employees who volunteered to help us expand our garden! We built and filled (with soil from Rice Family Farms Compost and fertilizer from Sugar Hollow Farm Alpacas, LLC) 10 new garden beds! These raised beds will rest over the winter and be ready for planting in the spring.
Produce table at the y
With the help of the Chambersburg YMCA, we gave away SO MUCH produce from our garden to people in need! Big thanks to the Y for helping us get the word out and letting us use their space. Thanks to the church members who donated their garden extras, too!
green in our garden! - summer 2023
Look at 'em grow! If you are experiencing food insecurity and would like some of our garden produce, please call or email!
earth day of service! - april 2023
With the help of Healthy Franklin County and some incredible volunteers, we spent Earth Day assembling 10 garden beds!! These beds will soon be filled with soil and available to reserve for your gardening needs.
Breaking ground! - december 2022
Our first drill day was a success!! We repurposed some old fencing boards and built two of our garden bed boxes. Stay tuned for another drill day date, and watch our garden grow!